Your independent unbiased recommendations from the Experts
Keratin Buyers Guide
Personal buyers formula

1. Buy only from those who are experts in their field. Many claim to be knowledgeable but they are just wanting to sell a product or service.
2. There are online distributors and sellers that sell any product they can get their hands on as long as they can make a dollar and don't care about the results or performance.
3. Trust a company that has been around for years. For example Terre a Mer has sold around the world for 10+ years and runs their very using their own product and has verified professional reviews.

1. Don't think all keratin performs the same on all types hair.
2. Don't apply the same technique on all types of hair. This is a rookie error. Ensure the brand you choose can advise different techniques for different hair.
3. Cheaper formulas are generally worse as they have not put the R&D into getting a specific outcome.
4. Pick a brand that you can get support from. Nothing is worse having a lot of product that doesn't work like you had hoped.
5. Not trying before you buy. Ensure you test the product before committing to it 100%

1. Choosing the cheapest product to save money. You only get one shot at impressing a client before they try someone else so don't risk it on any product.
PRO TIP: Prioritise the end result over the few dollars saved.
2. Winging the keratin treatment. Every woman has different hair so you need to be aware on what techniques to apply and when. Terre a Mer has its own unique methods.
3. Low Pricing. The quickest way to run into problems is be unprofitable. Ensure this incredible service is making your clients and your bottom line happy.
4. Not supplying or recommending the correct aftercare to your client. Stylists don't like selling or feeling pushing. The reality is that it hurts both the business and their clients treatment.

1. Choose the right product. This goes without saying that choosing the correct product is the best way to start off on the right foot.
2. Do some training whether online or in salon. Its always worth it to pay a few dollars to get the expert that has done it a thousand times to show you the tips, tricks and techniques.
3. Offer the right support product. You can make both your clients and your bottom line happier when they take the support aftercare. It will protect their investment and they will be happy and return.

1. Try every keratin treatment in the single use kits first but do a few treatments. Doing a few treatments you can have a full experience in how the products performance, what is smells like and to see if you resonate with the brand.
2. Test the keratin techniques they recommend. There is gold in following the brands recommended techniques. They know their product inside and out and to really get the great result for your client follow their advice (if they have it!)
3. Every clientele is different will respond to a different offer. Split test bundling the product in with the service at higher price compared to offering it aftercare separate to the service.

It is an upmost important that you fully know what you are doing. It builds client Trust, Confidence and Loyalty. For Example:
1. Know when to do each process. Do you colour before or after the treatment. When do you do foils?
2. Set your customers expectations correctly. Some woman have virgin healthy hair and the treatment will last a lot longer and be more effective than breaking blonde hair.
3. Know how to answer your customers most common questions. Such as; What is the difference between the brand you are offering and other? Which technique is best for my hair? Why do I need the aftercare?
Here at Terre a Mer we offer education and advice on every point. Just reach out :)